Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of aipcircle.com

1. General
The content on www.aipcircle.com is intended to promote a healthy lifestyle by accessing and using the content of this website. You accept and agree to the terms and conditions. We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions from time to time, at which point we will post the revised terms on this website.

2. Comments on Website Content
You are welcome to express your opinion about AIPCircle.
Comments should be posted respectfully, without offensive language or reference to political or religious expressions. Please do not use this site for advertising purposes.

3. Sharing Content and Images
When sharing texts, blog articles, recipes, and images, AIPCircle and www.aipcircle.com  should be appropriately and accurately attributed. If in doubt, please get in touch with info@aipcircle.com.

4. Diet Consultation Terms
Suppose you cannot attend an online consultation. In that case, you must notify AIPCircle as soon as possible but at least 24 hours before. Notification of cancellation should be sent via email. Assignments must be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance to be charged.

The pricing for various products can be found on our "products page."

AIPCircle may terminate the agreement if the advice is not expected to achieve the desired results.

AIPCircle will provide its services to the best of its knowledge and experience. Participation in an online consultation is, of course, the customer's responsibility, and the achievement of results depends on someone's effort. AIPCircle is not liable for any claimed damages.

5. Personal Data
AIPCircle includes the customer's name and address in a customer database. These data are handled carefully and confidentially. They are only used to provide services by AIPCircle and inform the customer about other benefits of AIPCircle. The customer agrees to use this data to inform about additional services.

6. Intellectual Property
AIPCircle holds intellectual property rights to all works developed or created by AIPCircle about its services, including videos, blogs, social media content, newsletters, and other data received by the customer from AIPCircle. The customer is not allowed to use or modify AIPCircle data in any form unless expressly granted prior written permission by AIPCircle.

7. No Medical Advice
The content of the website is solely intended for informational purposes. The content is not intended as a medical suggestion. It should not be used to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or physical ailment. Nothing is intended as medical advice or information for personal treatments or therapies. Customers should always discuss health decisions with their healthcare providers.

8. Communication
The customer agrees to use video calls, email, and WhatsApp by receiving services. AIPCircle is not liable for direct or indirect damages from these communication methods.