What's the difference between the FODMAP diet and the AIP diet?
Diet and lifestyle can play an important role in managing certain health problems, especially gastrointestinal disorders. Two diets that are becoming increasingly well-known among people with gastrointestinal problems are the AIP diet and the FODMAP diet. Although both diets aim to improve gut health, there are some important differences between the two. So what is the difference between the FODMAP diet and the Auto Immune Paleo (AIP) diet? This article will answer that question.
What is FODMAP?
FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. These are carbohydrates found in many foods, including fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products and sweeteners. Some people have difficulty fully digesting FODMAPs, which can lead to gas and bloating. When left undigested, these carbohydrates can also stimulate the growth of gut bacteria, which can lead to diarrhoea and other digestive problems.
What is the FODMAP diet?
The FODMAP diet aims to reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (PDS). FODMAPs are certain types of carbohydrates that are difficult to absorb in the gut and can cause PDS symptoms such as abdominal pain, gas formation or diarrhoea in some people. The FODMAP diet involves reducing foods high in FODMAPs, such as some fruits, vegetables, grains and dairy products. The diet is designed to reduce symptoms of PDS and improve intestinal health.
2 phases
The FODMAP diet is divided into two phases: the elimination phase and the reintroduction phase. In the elimination phase, all foods high in FODMAPs are temporarily eliminated from the diet. This means not eating certain foods for a certain period of time, including onions, garlic, apples, pears, wheat, milk and many artificial sweeteners. In the reintroduction phase, certain foods are gradually introduced to determine which foods cause symptoms. This involves identifying which foods are well tolerated and which are better avoided. It is important to remember that the FODMAP diet is not intended as a permanent diet, but as a temporary diet that can help identify which foods may worsen PDS symptoms. The AIP diet also has several phases. Learn what you can and cannot eat during these phases here.
What does the AIP diet entail?
The AIP diet stands for Auto Immune Paleo diet and is designed to improve gut health in people with autoimmune diseases and those experiencing symptoms similar to symptoms of autoimmune diseases. Think headaches, abdominal pain or fatigue. The AIP diet limits foods that can potentially affect gut health, such as grains, legumes and dairy products. The diet also contains no processed foods and limits the intake of sugar and alcohol. Furthermore, the AIP diet is designed to reduce inflammation in the body, improve intestinal permeability and support the immune system.
Difference between FODMAP diet and AIP diet
So, while the AIP diet focuses on improving gut health in people with autoimmune diseases and their associated symptoms, the FODMAP diet focuses on reducing symptoms of PDS. Both diets can be very effective in improving gut health, but it is important to remember that every individual is different and a diet that works for one person may not work for another. In addition, the AIP diet places more emphasis on food quality and encourages eating high-quality foods such as grass-fed meat, wild fish and organic fruits and vegetables. Read more about grass-fed meat and wild fish here.
The FODMAP diet focuses more on the amount of specific carbohydrates found in foods. If you experience symptoms of autoimmune diseases, the AIP diet has the potential to offer long-term benefits, such as reducing inflammation and improving overall gut health. The FODMAP diet is mainly aimed at reducing short-term symptoms.
Consult your doctor first
While the AIP diet can offer benefits for people with autoimmune diseases, it is important to remember that the diet is highly restrictive and can lead to nutritional deficiencies if not properly balanced. It is therefore always important to have the dietary changes declared to the doctor you may be running with and have your vitamins and minerals measured regularly. In addition, your entire lifestyle is of unprecedented importance in how you feel. Let food again be the medicine it once was and start with the AIP diet. What you can eat can be found in this delicious recipe booklet. Buy it today.