listening to your body

Listen to Your Body: the key ingredient for success within the AIP

14 July 2023

Within the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Paleo circle, listening to your body is a fundamental aspect of achieving success. The AIP lifestyle focuses on restoring intestinal health and promoting overall well-being. By paying attention to the signals and needs of your body, you can establish a deep connection with yourself and achieve better results. In this blog, we discuss the importance of listening to your body within the AIP circle and how this contributes to your health and well-being.

What is AIP?

The abbreviation AIP stands for the Autoimmune Protocol. This is a supported way of eating, when you have an autoimmune disease. Read more about autoimmune diseases here. AIP is a specific version of the well-known Paleo diet, where recovery of the body is the priority. Listening to your body is necessary within the AIP circle. This is because every person is unique and can react completely differently to specific foods. By listening to your body you can identify food sensitivities. The AIP diet eliminates potential trigger foods such as gluten, dairy, eggs, and nuts, which often cause inflammation and immune responses. By paying attention to how your body reacts when you introduce foods, you can detect sensitivities and avoid them to prevent further inflammation.

The difference between Paleo and AIP

AIP is a specialised version of the Paleo diet. The biggest difference is that the boundary between foods you are allowed to eat and the so-called grey area is stricter in the Auto-Immune Protocol. Your diet has a fully supportive function and contains hardly any potential trigger foods, the so-called anti-nutrients. In short, you don't eat things you could be intolerant to. Therefore, the AIP diet could help you with the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

The importance of setting boundaries

To effectively listen to your body, it is essential to understand the signals it sends out. This includes recognising physical sensations, emotional responses, and energy levels. When you are aware of these signals, you can better respond to your body's needs and take appropriate actions. Additionally, listening to your body also means acknowledging and respecting your boundaries. This applies to both physical and mental boundaries. Take the time to rest and recover when you are tired for example. Do not overload yourself with too many activities or stressful situations. Prioritise self-care and give yourself permission to rest when you need it. Read more about our stress battery here.


Also, listening to your body helps develop stronger intuition and self-awareness. Take time for self-reflection and ask yourself questions about how you feel, what gives you energy, and what causes you stress. Learn to trust your inner wisdom and make choices that are in line with your own needs and goals. Stress also leads to thought trains: racing thoughts through your mind. Read more about this so-called thought train and how the AIP lifestyle addresses it in this article.

AIP Diet

The AIP diet is not a "one size fits all" approach. Listening to your body helps you adapt the diet to your specific needs. While some people tolerate certain foods well, others may react negatively to them. By listening to your body, you can discover which foods promote your health and well-being and which ones you should avoid. Read more here about the origins of this diet.

How does the AIP diet work?

The AIP diet aims to restore balance in the body. By feeling, you can notice signals of imbalance such as fatigue, digestive problems, joint pain, or rash. By responding to these and possibly making adjustments to your diet or lifestyle, you can restore balance and optimise your health. Additionally, the AIP diet promotes intuitive eating, where you rely on your body to determine what it needs. The diet doesn't have to be more expensive than other eating patterns. Read here on how to keep it as budget-friendly as possible. Listening to your body means eating consciously and paying attention to how foods affect your body. It helps you recognise your hunger and satiety signals and make food choices that are in line with your body's needs.

Listening to your body

Listening to your body is therefore of essential importance within the AIP circle. It helps you align your food choices with your individual needs, respect your boundaries, and develop a deep connection with yourself. By being aware of signals from your body and responding to them, you are able to better understand signals from your body. Let your nutrition & lifestyle be the medicine it once was. For more interest in nutrition & lifestyle take a look at the site.